


Minimum of one day (7h)


On quotation


Training certificate

Objective :

Master the steps to go from an idea to a printed object


your project on a CAD software by integrating the design rules adapted to additive manufacturing

Define the printing parameters

for parts to be made according to the geometry, materials and machine used

Plan and track

the manufacturing stages, intervene if necessary at these different stages


the result of a print and adjust the machine, the material, the geometry, or the print parameters if necessary

Prepare and maintain

your 3D printer


Have a good spatial visualisation

Be comfortable with computers

Demonstrate manual dexterity manuelle

List of available modules

From idea to printed object

Definition and history of 3D printing

Large families of additive manufacturing processes

Additive manufacturing and other manufacturing processes

Current and future applications and challenges of 3D printing

Laser cutting

Digital embroidery

SLA 3D printing

Impression 3D SLS

The control interfaces of a 3D printer: LCD Marlin, Pronterface, Octoprint

The electronic and mechanical components of a 3D printer

3D printer architectures

Calibrate your 3D printer

Maintain your 3D printer

Meaning of G-codes / M-codes

Solving Printing Problems

Print from the Palette system

CAD (3D): Tinkercad, SketchUp, OnShape, Fusion 360, Blender
  • Design rules adapted to additive manufacturing
  • Application of design rules: design of a simple object, an assembly, a mechanism, a multi-color or multi-material object
EDITING .STL FILES: Netfabb, 3D Builder, Meshmixer, Blender
  • Repair / modification of a .stl mesh
  • Combination of several .stl meshes
DIGITIZATION: 3D scanners, photogrammetry
  • Digitization principles, advantages and limitations
CAD (2D): Inkscape
  • Design of a vector image
  • Vectorization of an image

Parameterization software: PrusaSlicer, Cura, Simplify3D

Printing a simple object

Printing a complex object

Support structures management

Multi-color printing

Multi-material printing

Managing modifiers

Optimization of printing parameters (speed, quality, quantity of material deposited)

Impact of printing parameters on the mechanical strength of parts

Managing printing profiles

Behavior of materials on printing

Material / machine compatibility

Define the printing parameters of a new material

Define the maximum extrusion capacity of a material on a 3D printer

Define the printing parameters of a known material on a new nozzle

Post-treatment processes (chemical, mechanical, thermal)

Discover programming with Arduino

Realization of simple assemblies

Méthodes d’enseignement et d’évaluation

​Master classes



Case studies



Satisfaction client

Nombre de réponses : 66 (depuis mai 2022)

4,6 / 5

La durée de la formation était adaptée

4,7 / 5

Les supports de formation étaient de qualité et diversifiés

4,7 / 5

Les exercices pratiques étaient pertinents

4,9 / 5

L’intervenant était compétent et à l’écoute

4,7 / 5

La training center a répondu à vos attentes

Open Edge est certifié Qualiopi

La certification a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’action suivante :


Voir le certificat Qualiopi

Contact us to develop your specific training content and get a quotation.

Informations mises à jour le 21/08/2023